04/09-04/21 漾Ripples


周二-周五am11:00 – pm6:00
周六-周日am11:00 – pm9:00

覓空間 MEME
12F., No.9, Sec. 2, Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City

【漾】是水動盪的樣子。此次展出''臺北感-信息瀑布''與、''河流''、''漂流''、''河-道''三件大地藝術作品紀錄攝影,都是與水相關且和自然直接回應的作品。''臺北感-信息瀑布''彰顯生存所需的紙張消耗、''河流''雕塑出人與自然共處之間的平衡與感受、''漂流''對於大自然反撲的省思與''河-道''所營造出的人神對話通道。 以此四件作品訴說''樣''在人與自然之間的動盪漾貌。

【Ripples】 are an expression of the water’s turbulence. Including film image from three previous earth art works, ''River'', ''Drift'' and ''River Talk'', everything in this exhibition ''Perception of Taipei - Information Waterfall'' is related to water and responds directly to nature. ''Perception of Taipei-Information Waterfall'' highlights the paper consumption on which our survival depends; ''River'' sculpts the balance and emotions of humanity and nature’s coexistence; ''Drift'' reflects on nature’s counterattack;'' River Talk'' builds a channel for dialogue between man and the divine. These four works show the Ripples generated by man’s turmoil in its current environment.

(此作品將配合4/13「圜源Emerging & Returning」及4/21「2013 野村祐【水漾化身│暗黒情癡】生成姬鬼舞戀」現場演出)




2003 國立臺灣藝術大學美術學系複合媒材組畢

2013 加拉島國際Baggat Art大展,Baggat Art,加拉島,韓國
2012/04~12 雲林縣駐鎮藝術家,西螺老街藝術家進駐創作與社區交流,財團法人雲林縣螺陽文化基金會,雲林,臺灣
2009 雲林縣西螺東市場駐村藝術家,藝術進駐-遊藝西螺,財團法人雲林縣螺陽文化基金會,雲林,臺灣
2009 屏東縣枋寮藝術村駐村藝術家,『派生X力Derivative WHAT IS ART!!!』,同流膜跨域國際,雲林,臺灣
2003/05 朱銘美術館駐館藝術家,『第一屆國際景觀雕塑藝術節』,朱銘美術館,新北市,臺灣 跨領域藝術運動策劃
2012/05~2012/12 『街區游牧之藝術生境』,西螺鎮延平路,雲林,臺灣
2001/09 『武昌起義-臺北流行文化藝術祭』,武昌街,臺北,臺灣

2012/12 『移址殖地』,72藝術空間,雲林,臺灣
2012/10 『時間風景』,72藝術空間,雲林,臺灣
2012/05 『所在X生境』,72藝術空間,雲林,臺灣
2011/12 『以眼聆聽』,南海藝廊,臺北,臺灣
2011/11 『葉語』,樹樂集生活咖啡空間,臺北,臺灣
2011/10 『臺北感…信息瀑布』,北風藝廊,臺北,臺灣
2011/05 『內在的聲音圖像』,臺北市立社會教育館,臺北,臺灣
2010/01 『CIRCLE』,南海藝廊,臺北,臺灣

2013/02 【感官甦醒好蛇迎大地】,繪畫,同流膜跨域國際、臺灣藝術市集協會、華山1914,臺北,臺灣
2013/01 【NEXT PLAY台北未來生活居概念展】,【一坪的想像】,地景裝置,彩虹餘文化事業有限公司,華山大草原,臺北,臺灣 2012/12 【雲龍風虎再現風華】,『黑色運動』,繪畫,雲林縣美術協會,台灣省政資料館,南投,臺灣
2012/10 【皮箱狂想曲】,『旅行的溫度』,裝置, 18位藝術家創意逗陣,臺北當代藝術館-地下實驗‧創意秀場,臺北,臺灣
2012/06 【2012年度匯演(1) Action II──意識織錦】,『DRIFT』,地景攝影、錄像,臺北市藝術創作者職業工會,藝境畫廊,臺北,臺灣 2012/03 【HOME藝術家園計畫:這群人】,『大地甬道』,地景裝置,海岸線藝術網絡,淡水文化園區,臺北,臺灣
2011/06 【臺灣粉彩教師協會聯展】,『騷紅』、『妳我之間』,繪畫,臺灣粉彩教師協會,基泰藝廊,臺北,臺灣
2011/04 【瑰麗粉彩】,『In smoke』、『廟』、『靜物』,繪畫,臺灣粉彩教師協會,板橋文化廣場,新北市,臺灣
2011/02 【臺灣粉彩教師協會聯展】,『Head』,繪畫,臺灣粉彩教師協會,新光銀行敦南分行,臺北,臺灣
2010/10 【魔幻化妝大展-假妝】,『平行的靈魂-傘下、五行』,裝置、錄像,高雄市政府文化局,高雄駁二藝術特區,高雄,臺灣 20010/01 【獻計】,過程藝術,國立臺北教育大學,臥龍29,臺北,臺灣 2009/12 【藝術進駐-遊藝西螺】,『聚』、『沙引』、『風相』,地景裝置與行動,財團法人雲林縣螺陽文教基金會,雲林,臺灣
2009/12 【派生X力Derivative WHAT IS ART!】,『自然光』,地景裝置,同流膜跨域國際,枋寮藝術村與海邊,屏東,臺灣
2009/12 【HUMAN RIHGTS─跨界藝演‧人權串連】,『US』,裝置,臺灣藝術市集協會,景美人權文化園區,臺北,臺灣
2009/11 【Purpleribbon Film Festival看見紫絲帶-2009紫絲帶電影節特別企畫】,『Leaf』、『聚偶計畫』,地景裝置,中華民國電影創作聯盟,林家花園,板橋,臺灣
2009/11 【第27屆桃源美展】,『Red Eyeball』,繪畫,桃園縣政府,中壢藝術館,桃園,臺灣
2003/05 【華山新秀月-青春新浪‧異聲震盪】,『ㄐ一ㄡˋㄐ一ㄤˋㄓㄢˇ‧畢業展』,過程行動, 國立臺灣藝術大學,華山藝文特區,臺北,臺灣
2002/11 【全國大專院校美術系聯展】,『太空水母』,裝置,臺中港區藝術中心,臺中,臺灣
2002/10 【苗栗通霄藝術季聯展】,『在黑暗中漫舞』,繪畫,苗栗縣政府文化局,苗栗,臺灣
2002 【中華民國第十七屆全國版印年畫】,『馬年』,板畫,高雄市立美術館,高雄,臺灣
2001/02 【珍珠版畫新世紀-FORMOSA藏書票大展】,『暈眩』,板畫,板橋中華電信,板橋,臺灣
2001 【二拾一世紀/一拾二人展】,『蛇年行大運』、『裸』,板畫、繪畫,板橋遠東新概念店,板橋,臺灣
2001 【中華民國第十六屆全國版印年畫】,『蛇年行大運』,板畫,高雄市立美術館,高雄,臺灣
2000/03 【國立臺灣藝術大學師生美展-七縣市巡迴展】,『工作室』,繪畫,國立臺灣藝術大學,七縣市,臺灣
1999/10 【國立臺灣藝術大學校慶美展-千禧願景】,『縛』,繪畫,國立臺灣藝術大學,板橋,臺灣

2011 國家文化藝術基金會100年度第2期展覽補助
2009/08 第27屆桃源美展—水墨類入選
2004 『OPIUM』35釐米電影短片榮獲台藝電影菲林獎有聲短片類最佳美術
2003/03 國立臺灣藝術大學『師生美展』複媒類入選
2002 『中華名國第十七屆全國版印年畫』徵選活動入選
2001/02 『珍珠版畫新世紀-FORMOSA藏書票大展』社會組入選
2001 『中華名國第十六屆全國版印年畫』徵選活動首獎
2000/03 國立臺灣藝術大學師生美展『七縣市巡迴展』油畫類入選
1999/10 臺藝校慶美展『千禧願景』油畫類入選


Kuei-chih Lee(Chris)

Kuei-chih Lee(Chris)
Vocation:Artist、Art teacher 2003 Graduated from Department of Fine Arts (Group of Mixed Media), National Taiwan University of Arts

2013 “Jara Island International Baggat Art Exhibition”,Baggat Art,Jara Island,Korea
2012/04~12 “Resident artist in XiluoTownship”,LouyoungCultural &Education Foundation, Yunlin County,Taiwan
2009 Resident artist at East Traditional Market, XiluoTownship,“Resident art – fun Xiluo”,Louyoung Cultural &Education Foundation,Yunlin County,Taiwan
2009 Resident artist at Fangliau F3 Art District,“Derivative WHAT IS ART!!! ”,Mixing Membrane,Pingtung County,Taiwan
2003/05 Resident artist at JuMing Museum,“1st National Landscape Sculpture Art Festival”, JuMing Museum,New Taipei City,Taiwan
Planning of interdisciplinaryart movement
2012/05~2012/12 “Art nomadic”, Yanping Rd., Xiluo Township,Yunlin County,Taiwan
2001/09 “Wuchang Uprising – Taipei Popular Culture Art Festival”, Wuchang street,Taipei city,Taiwan

Solo Exhibition
2012/12 “Art Resident Tranform”, 72ART,Yunlin County,Taiwan
2012/10 “Time”, 72ART,Yunlin County,Taiwan
2012/05 “Search belong” , 72ART,Yunlin County,Taiwan
2011/12 “An eye for listening”, Nanhai Gallery,Taipei city,Taiwan
2011/11 “Leaves talking”, Treellage Life Cafe,Taipei city,Taiwan
2011/10 “Perception of Taipei-Information waterfall”, BF Gallery,Taipei city,Taiwan
2011/05 “The Voice Within”, Taipei Cultural Center,Taipei city,Taiwan
2010/01 “CIRCLE”, Nanhai Gallery,Taipei city,Taiwan

Group Exhibition
2013/02 “The sensory awakening good snake welcome the earth”, Painting,Mixing Membrane、Art and Lifestyle Assosiation Of Taiwan、uashan1914-Creative Park,Taipei city,Taiwan
2013/01 “NEXT PLAY-The Shifting Ground” ,“Square metre Imagination”,Land art,rainbow Yu Cultural Co. , Ltd.,URS27,Taipei city,Taiwan
2012/12 “Dragon in the clouds and Tiger in the wind scene back”, “Black event“,Painting,Yunlin County Art Association,Taiwan Provincial Museum,Nantou city,Taiwan
2012/10 “Case by Case”-18 Artistic Suitcases, “The temperature of the travel”, Installation,SLY art space,MOCA Studio,Taipei city,Taiwan
2012/06 “Art Creator Trade Union,Taipei,Taiwan-2012(1)_Action.2”, “DRIFT “,Photography、Video,Art Creator Trade Union,Taipei,Taiwan,Art Door Gallery,Taipei city,Taiwan
2012/03 “Art home plan”, “Earth Corridor”,Land art,Shoreline Arts Network,Tamsui Culture Park,Taipei city,Taiwan
2011/06 “Taiwanese Teachers Pastel Society Group Exhibition”, “Red”、 “Between us”, Painting,Taiwanese Teachers Pastel Society,Kee Tai gallery,Taipei city,Taiwan
2011/04 “Beautiful pastel”, “In smoke”、“Temple”、“Objects”, Painting,Taiwanese Teachers Pastel Society,Banciao Culture Square,New Taipei City,Taiwan
2011/02 “Taiwanese Teachers Pastel Society Group Exhibition”, “Head”, Painting,Taiwanese Teachers Pastel Society,Shin Kong Commercial bank Co.,Ltd,Taipei city,Taiwan
2010/10 “Magical Make-Up Exposition_Fake Up”, “Parallel to the soul- Under the umbrella、Five Links”,Installation、Video art,Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Govemment,The pier-2 art center C3,Kaushung city,Taiwan
2010/01 “Enlighten”, Process Art,National Taipei University of Education,Crouching Dragon29 Art Space,Taipei city,Taiwan
2009/12 “Resident art – fun Siluo”, “Gathering”、 “Sand Leading”、 “Traces of the wind”, Land art、Action art,Louyoung Cultural &Education Foundation,Xiluo town,Yunlin County,Taiwan
2009/12 “Derivative WHAT IS ART!!! ”, “Natural Light”, Land art,Mixing Membrane,Beach and Fangliau F3 Art District,Pingtung County,Taiwan
2009/12 “HUMAN RIHGTS─Cross-field Art Creation‧Human Rights series”, “US”, Installation,Art and Lifestyle Association of Taiwan,Jing Mei Human Rights Memorial & Cultural Park,Taipei city,Taiwan
2009/11 “2009 Purpleribbon Film Festival”, “Leaf”、 “Assemble Plan”, Land art,Taiwan Original Filmmakers Union,The Lin family Mansion and Garden,Banciao city,Taiwan
2009/11 “27th Taoyuan Art Exhibition”, “Red Eyeball”, Painting,Taoyuan County Government,JungLi Art Museum,Taoyuancity,Taiwan
2003/05 “Young artists show in Huashan”, “JioJianJian/ Graduated exhibition”, Process art group exhibition,National Taiwan University of Arts,Huashan1914 Creative Park,Taipei city,Taiwan
2002/11 “Nation-wide Departments of Fine Arts Exhibitions”, “Jelly Space”, Installation,Taichung County Seaport Art Center,Taichung,Taiwan
2002/10 “TungShiau Art Festival”, “Dance in the dark ”, Painting,Miauli County Government,MiauLi city,Taiwan
2002 “17th Republic of China New Year Prints”, “Horse Year”, Printmaking,Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts,Kaohsiung city,Taiwan
2001/02 “New Century’s pearly prints–Formosa Bookplate Exhibition”, “Dizzy”, Printmaking,Chunghwa Telecom building,Banciao city,Taiwan
2001 “21 Century/ 12 people exhibition”, “Lucky Year, Snake Year”、 “Nude”, Printmaking、Painting,Far East department store,Banciao city,Taiwan
2001 “16th Republic of China New Year Prints”, “Lucky Year, Snake Year”, Printmaking,Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts,Kaushung city,Taiwan
2000/03 “Teachers and students’ exhibition, National Taiwan University of Arts”, circuit exhibitions in 7 cities,“Studio”,Painting,National Taiwan University of Arts,circuit exhibitions in 7 cities,Taiwan
1999/10 “National Taiwan University of Arts Anniversary Celebration Exhibition”, “Binding”, Painting,National Taiwan University of Arts,Banciao city,Taiwan

Awards and Art grants
2011 2011-2 , Exhibition grants from National Culture and Arts Foundation
2009/08 Honorable mention, Group of Chinese Ink Painting, 27th Taoyuan Art Exhibition
2004 The best design, 35mm short film “OPIUM”, Film Awards of National Taiwan University of Arts
2003/03 Honorable mention, Group of Mixed Media “Teachers and students’ exhibition”,National Taiwan University of Arts
2002 Honorable mention, “17th Republic of China New Year Prints”
2001/02 Honorable mention, Group of Adults, “New Century’s pearly prints–Formosa Bookplate Exhibition”
2001 Champion, “16th Republic of China New Year Prints”
2000/03 Honorable mention, Group of Oil Painting, “Teachers and students’ exhibition,National Taiwan University of Arts”, circuit exhibitions in 7 cities.
1999/10 Honorable mention, Group of Oil Painting, National Taiwan University of Arts Anniversary Celebration Exhibition



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